In this poignant collaborative project directed by Liz Marshall (Midian Farm), Ecko Aleck of the Nlaka’pamux Nation (Lytton, BC,) Alfonso Salinas of the shíshálh Nation (Sunshine Coast, BC,) and Charlene SanJenko of Splatsin of the Secwépemc Nation (Shuswap, BC,) are learning and documenting the traditional cultural teachings and legacies of their Elders, including the deep impacts of the Residential School system. Gently guided by their mentors, they seek to build a bridge that their children may cross.
Audience Choice Award Winner, Planet in Focus Film Festival, 2023.
It was an honour and a deep learning experience to work as a principal cinematographer on this project. To learn more, please visit:
- Year / 2023
- Role / Cinematographer
- Gear / Canon C300, DJI Mavic Pro II Drone